Sunday, March 22, 2015

Quilts in progress...part 2

This weekend has been a very productive weekend for me, sewing wise.  I also had time to take some pics, so I can do an update to my works in progress.  I have 3 active projects going right now and a couple of swap projects.

A couple more wonky blocks done...

I've got them up on the design wall now trying out a possible layout, which will help me figure out how many more blocks I'll need.  Right now, I'm thinking this quilt will have a lot of white space.  I have the fabrics pulled for 5 more stars, so they should come together fast.  Still need to go by my LQS to replenish my scraps...I especially need reds and oranges.

The second project I have going is a Christmas quilt for my mom.  She found the fabrics and had intended to make a quilt herself, but since she's so busy and I'm obsessed with quilting, she asked if I'd do it.  Um, yes!  These are fabrics I never would have picked for myself--I like bright colors!  And the quilt pattern uses a ton of half square triangles.  I got those out of my system with the first big quilt I made.  Now, I'm finding that I have to push myself more than usual to work on this quilt.  So many HSTs to trim, UGH!  I really hate that part.

Project number 3, the quilt from the blocks I received during my month as queen of Newbee Hive #9 at Threadbias.  My hive mates made some lovely blocks--they've been up on my design wall for the past few weeks.  I've loved looking at them every day.
I'm thinking about sashing these in a light gray because I think it will make the blocks pop.  Sashing in white strikes me as too boring for these blocks.  I held up a dark grey that I have, but didn't like it at all.  Another reason to visit the LQS...

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Quilts in progress...

So in an effort to get all the quilty stuff out of my brain, to make room for the boring important stuff I need to keep up with too (you know like work, paying bills, keeping up with my kid's schedule), I'm posting the quilts I have in progress right now.  Plus, what's the point of having a blog if I don't update it every now and then??

First up, wonky star blocks done in colors of the rainbow.
I had posted a WIP pic of the pixelated rainbow heart quilt to Facebook to get some feedback on if folks could see the rainbow effect in the heart.  One of the commenters to that post was another of my long time, very good friends saying how much she loves rainbow quilts. Well, if one good friend gets a quilt, then they all do!  I've wanted to try the wonky star block, so again, a win-win.  This one is going to take a bit longer to make though.

And, I need more scraps, I think.  I'm planning to make a trip to my LQS to raid the scraps bin--they do the coolest thing there with scraps there.  People donate scraps, and then you can purchase anything that will fit in a gallon size zip up bag for $5.  They then use the money to purchase supplies to make Quilts of Valor.  Cool, huh?  Since I'm fairly new to quilting, I don't have a large stash.  This is a good way for me to get useable scraps.  You'd be surprised at how much fabric can fit in a gallon sized bag!

I don't have pictures of my other project yet, so more to come...

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Pixelated Heart Finished!

I wanted to follow up on my last post by showing the finished quilt.  I did get it done in time to give a completed quilt to my friend (yes!).  But first, here's what it looked like when all the squares were up on the design wall. 
I ended up not having enough grey fabric from my first trip to the Goodwill Outlet, so I went back for a few more pieces.

Here was my view finishing up the quilting on Christmas.  I had to have the quilt done by the end of Christmas Day--nothing like quilting till the last minute!  

 Binding is on and it's all done.  :)

 And here it is being held up by the recipient.  She loved it (whew)!!!

This was not the most challenging quilt to make, but it was fun, and it's always such a good feeling when you finish a quilt.  The fact that my friend likes it so much is definitely icing on the cake.