Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Pixelated Heart Finished!

I wanted to follow up on my last post by showing the finished quilt.  I did get it done in time to give a completed quilt to my friend (yes!).  But first, here's what it looked like when all the squares were up on the design wall. 
I ended up not having enough grey fabric from my first trip to the Goodwill Outlet, so I went back for a few more pieces.

Here was my view finishing up the quilting on Christmas.  I had to have the quilt done by the end of Christmas Day--nothing like quilting till the last minute!  

 Binding is on and it's all done.  :)

 And here it is being held up by the recipient.  She loved it (whew)!!!

This was not the most challenging quilt to make, but it was fun, and it's always such a good feeling when you finish a quilt.  The fact that my friend likes it so much is definitely icing on the cake.